Welcome to TDC Implant Centre, Peterborough

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At Total Dentalcare Peterborough we have a dedicated dental implant centre, where we offer a same day implant procedure called TDC Smile in a Day. It is a long-lasting and life-changing solution for people who live with the discomfort, inconvenience or embarrassment of dentures or loose and missing teeth.

With over 25 years’ experience in placing implants and a reputation built upon clinical excellence, exemplary patient centre and consistently outstanding results, we have helped hundreds of patients to smile again, be able to eat and enjoy all kinds of food without worry and, above all, to get their confidence back.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants replace the root of decayed, loose or missing teeth with a screw-like titanium post, onto which a crown (a replacement tooth or a whole arch of artificial teeth) can be fixed.

The jawbone fuses with the titanium post, providing a very stable base for custom-made, fixed teeth. They look, feel and function just like normal teeth and can last a lifetime if properly cared for.

What is TDC Smile in a Day?

TDC Smile in a Day is an advanced, highly skilled treatment where a full set of implants and custom-made, temporary fixed teeth are fitted on the same day. The procedure is virtually pain free. Patients arrive for surgery with failed or failing teeth and leave with their smiles and confidence restored.

How can you do it in a day?

Unlike traditional implant methods where treatment requires multiple surgical procedures and months of healing time, our highly experienced team is able to perform any extractions, the implant surgery and place a full set of natural-looking fixed temporary teeth all on the same day.

This is possible as the implants (usually four in each jaw) are placed at very precise angles to maximise the use of available bone, eliminating the need for bone grafts. Even in cases of extreme bone loss where zygomatic (cheekbone) implants are needed, the procedure can still be carried out in one day.

And, instead of wearing removable dentures during the healing period, you leave our centre with secure, natural looking teeth that remain in place night and day. Around three months later, once your gums have settled you will be fitted with your final set of fixed, permanent teeth.

The Benefits of TDC Smile in a Day

  • You get your smile and your confidence back
  • Your new teeth look, feel and function just like normal teeth
  • You can eat and enjoy all foods without worry
  • Clinically safe, proven and long-lasting solution
  • Months of treatment and healing time is reduced to a single surgical visit

Why choose TDC Implant Centres?

  • Award winning dental team
  • Over 25 years’ experience in placing implants
  • Consistently outstanding results
  • Strong commitment to patient care
  • 5 star, independently verified patient reviews

Dr Michael Zybutz | Lead Surgeon | GDC number 58807

Dr Michael Zybutz has performed dental implant procedures for over 25 years and lectures on implantology around the world. He is the only registered specialist dentist in the UK accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Dr Anthony Zybutz | Lead Dentist | GDC number 67842

Dr Anthony Zybutz has been placing teeth on implants since the mid-1990s. Certified in Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry (UCL/Eastman) he is renowned for clinical excellence in dental care and his outstanding results in smile restoration.

If you would like to learn more to book your free, no-obligation consultation call 0800 012 2086. And why not visit www.smileinaday.co.uk to see amazing before and after pictures, read patient reviews and watch videos.

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